Wednesday, January 11, 2012

False Advertising?

Ran across this advertisement in the January 2012 ‘Thunder Press’. I’ve got a question if anybody can answer it. Is this the throttle thingy that AZ-HOLE Performance uses on all their bikes? The ad sure seems to imply it.


WooleyBugger said...

Got me man. And that;s the truth.

Sorry you never made it down this way last year. I guess you was skeered.

mq01 said...

beats me, off hand i dont know who az-hole perf is or what they do. is it caveman? hmmm anyways, i have one of these thingys, so you'll have to look it over and let us know...

Learning to Golf said...

Ok, I wondered if this is a prank ad, so I go to the listed web site. Wow, it is a real site. Just when I am feeling bad about doubting you, I notice the demo of this thing on a BMW. BMWs don't have cruise control? WTF! Another thought just left my feeble old brain.

Big Daddy said...

Ours are made of the finest scrap metal I have laying around the shop.
Hand wrought by bending the shit out it.....Quality Crap only Here!!

Big Daddy said...

Ours are made of the finest scrap metal I have laying around the shop.
Hand wrought by bending the shit out it.....Quality Crap only Here!!