1): Santa Cruz County is so lleft; it’s spelled with two l’s. I’m surprised they allow American Flags in public.
2): Me, being 50 years young, was the youngest Vet there. Where the hell are all the Vet’s from Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, The Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan? I know you guys are out there. Start going to these small events. Get out in the public, don’t fade away, again.
There were about fifty people there. About fifteen of them were Veterans. Two bikes in the whole parking lot, my neighbors and mine. That’s a damn shame. Somehow I keep winding up on mailing list for these types of events. I know it probably labels me as an “American Sympathizer” and I don’t care.
Maybe nobody wanted to go to lleftist Santa Cruz Co. :)
I can remember going to Flag Day celebrations with my parents. I don't even think Phoenix had one. But we couldn't have gone even if they did. We were busy preparing for fucking Williams. ;) More on that later...maybe.
Thank you for remembering and celebrating Flag Day today and thank you for the service you gave to our country! I'll join you as one of those “American Sympathizers”!!!!! We have to keep the traditions alive!!!
I remembered! Thanks for serving and keeping my family safe from whacko a-holes.
We attended the flag retirement ceromony held by our VFW...there were about fifty people...still, It's better than none...it wasn't well publized...I suspect that was a main problem.
The Red, White and Blue proudly flies in front of our home everyday. Thank you for serving our country.
i have my flag out. but im thinking i agree with ann, maybe some vets dont want to go to santa cruz? just like some dont like going to berkeley?!? or maybe they didnt know about it? hmmm...
Ann: There seems to be a lot a towns bitching about not having any money, then doing everything they can to make people not want to visit them. Go figure.
IHG: OK, but your on a government watch list now.
Mastercheif: I’ll defend the Rights of a shoplifter to drive you crazy.
chessie: VFW’s are one of the few places that still participate.
Danny: Thanks. And thanks from Old Glory.
mq01: Berzerkly / Santa Cruz. Somewhat alike. Vets get hassled; drugies and street punks are welcomed.
Yeah, What a shame. Only 2 bikes. That's pretty sad!
One day soon I will be over there to attend one of your flag day celebrations, I too am a vet - of the Rhodesian bush war. Great blog, I'll follow with interest.
Mr. M: It’s not that only two bikes were there, I’m annoyed that very few Veterans turn out for these events.
rider: Come on over, everyone’s welcome.
I am a little late, but yes I do want to congratulate you Mr. Vet for your patriotic and courageous salute.
God Bless America, its Flag and its Veterans and its people
I didn't know--I should've known--my dad's a vet and I'm proud of him and proud of everyone like him and I love my country.
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