Yesterday four bikes in my garage, today three. This mourning I sat and looked at the hole that bike # four should be in. What have I done ? It was like selling one of your kids. It hurt. Was she really gone ? SOLD, loaded in a trailer an on the road. This was her first time in a trailer. I saw her wink a tail light at me . A 1996
Yamaha Royal Star Tour Classic, bought new in '96. I looked closer and... WTF was that in the corner ? It was my '78 FXS Shovel that I started to rebuild about two years ago. Why have I not finished it ? I remember at least a dozen times moving the other bikes to work on it. Then it hit me! By the time I could move three bikes out of the garage, one of them would somehow magically start, kick itself in gear and hit the road (there is always tomorrow).

Well, it's time to finish it. I'll post pics along the way. The highpoints and the lowpoints.
FLHX Dave will be along for the trip, so there should be some ammussing stuff. Sorry Dave, but
after seeing you use a stick and a rock (so easy a caveman can do it ?) to fix Brother Wolf's muffler, I think some tech tips will be comming your way.
Hey you bastard! It has always worked on chicks! Just think, you yamaha is a trailer queen now. Look what you have done!!
Can't wait to watch the transformation! Sorry you had to watch your baby go, in a trailer no less!
Dave- What exactly is it that's always worked on chicks? A stick and a rock? Ouch!
Nothing like a good shovel!
Watch the caveman remarks...certain people could get sensitive. ;) (My husband's roadname is Caveman.)
A stick and a rock? Really Dave? My Caveman doesn't even do that!
BB: I'm sorry for you! ;)
I love me some tech tips!
Welcome brother blogger. You are now in my Google reader.
Prepare for the unleashing and onslaught of stupid comments on your blog! Ha Ha Ha! He says in an evil sinister voice! Ha Ha Ha!
Did you ever finish this bike? I'm to lazy to go through the whole blog to find out.
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