So I get these two little buggers out and yes, they are all gummy and probably not doing their duty. Since one has to read air temps and the other has to open and close a air passage, I figured gummy ain’t good. So a little TLC with some toxic chemicals and back into their little holes they go. I attribute the crud to the oiled air filter. Which I will gladly deal with over risking a tear in a paper filter. But all that engine goobley glop isn’t what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about why was I the only bike on the road.
This morning I wanted to take it out and see if I screwed it up worse than it was. I went out on some back roads to warm it up then into town for some stop and go in traffic. All the time noticing that I was the only bike on the road. The temperature was right at 60, but no other bikes. WTF? Then it finally occurred to me: “Could it be this liquid sunshine that has everyone at home cleaning their chrome?” I even swung by the HD shop. Empty parking lot. But they still had the buffalo wings on the table in front of the big-screen with some car race going on. Free food? All for me? You damn skippy. Pig-out I did.