We loaded up my little girls’ car and my truck Saturday, made the three-hour drive and got her moved into her college dorm. Three hours isn’t that far, but for a dad it seems like the other side of the world. She’s happy so I’m happy. I’m proud of her accomplishments. But I’m also saddened and depressed by the empty bedroom. I know it’s just another chapter in life, but it kind of sucks.
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
Problem solved! Bec, Ry and I will move in. Easy!
Yup, it's a chapter alright but a necessary chapter to set the stage for the book's finale. I understand what you are going through. I think I went through it twice.
The good news is that this is the beginning of an understanding. A tighter bond and a realization that you were a kick ass Dad. You and I can be there in less than hour if we need to be. I'll be riding next to you if that's necessary.
Empty nest syndrome... you'll get over it. It's just a little tough at first.
BTW... did she take the cat? LOL!
congratulations!!! and big hugs to you both. you did good, she's in college, woohoo!!
Congrats! I know it will be tough on you, but she's not that far. When mine left, they went overseas almost immediately!
Yup, you'll get over it.
It took me...
Welcome to the club!
Been there, done that. Their successes are what make it all worthwhile, but their pain is magnified ten fold. Something special about daughters IMHO. My baby is 32 and I would die today to protect her.
You are OLD.
Dave: Be there in a hour you say? Maybe. At those speeds we’ll have a escort with flashy lights.
Lady R: Nope. Sonic the cat was forcibly removed from her car. He would of gone if we let him.
mq01: Woohoo! The parties! :(
Ann: Yep. Three hours ain’t that far considering the alternative.
Dean: I can deal with it easy enough, but I have to also deal with someone here with maternal instincts that can affect weather I’m happy or not.
AZHD: Agreed. A pissed off dad ranks right up there with a woman scorned.
Mr. M: Maybe so. But fine things get better with age.
I don't envy you. I'm looking at this in less than a year.
But look on the brite side of things, she has good roots and Dave and BB can come for extended mooch...I mean visits.
Cobgrats to her! SF? My neice is attending her first year there. Its exciting for them.
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