In keeping with Wooley’s theme of wondering about stuff on Monday’s, there’s something I’ve always wondered about…chain. Good ole’ tow-chain, tie-down-chain, just chain. The stuffs been around forever. Nothing beats a six foot piece of chain when the need a’rises. Here’s the question: Why is it you always see someone ‘dragging’ a chain?
If anyone can answer that, please enlighten this old fart. It’s always puzzled me. I was puzzled by that chicken or the egg thing for years until I found out it was the ‘rooster’.
While not an expert I believe "dragging the chain" means no sense doing today what can wait until tommorow.
I would expand more, but it will keep in my mind for a bit.
hmmm, donno, but at least its a chain, maybe its useable in am emergency. but now im gonna ask it; wtf is up with those daingly balls?!? oooh that needs to be a post... >:)
There is two commonly held beliefs stating the orgin of the Idiom.
To lag behind your co-workers in a chain gang.
Failure to raise or set anchor.
Not raising in times of pursuit for battle....or not dropping in time to hold steady anchor.
You ever try to push a chain???
Wait! Huh! What was the question again?
I know, I have a Ball and chain, or maybe tis the other way around. Depends on which one you ask I guess.
Wait! Huh! What was the question again?
AZHD: That’s a good way to describe old farts like us.
mq01: What dangly balls you talking about? Is your mind in the gutter again?
Big D: I’ll go with the Sam Cook song. Bring back chain gangs.
And watch who you’re calling a Idiom. I ain’t that smart.
dave: You win! That’s the answer I was looking for. You can claim your prize by sending me $29.99 to cover shipping and handling.
Wooley: And she keeps them in a jar on the nightstand.
To see someone dragging a chain as like behind a car or truck I'd say they are too lazy to hook it proper or just plan stupid.
Webster: When I see one dragging, I get far away from the fool. Any load is unpredictable when you loose it.
Willy I see that and I get the f*#* back fast. Dumb asses.
I always assumed ya drug it for the sparks. Kinda that 4th a July effect.
Chain are important for the vehicles.Thanx to share this blog.IT really interasting.
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