I’m either going blind or getting one of those old-fart things in the brain. I just had the primary open a few weeks ago and didn’t see the screwed up adjuster shoe. It’s not a new crack. Looking at it with a loupe, the edges are smooth and it’s discolored by oil. So it’s been vibrating against itself for a while. I only found it because my cheap ass put the cover on with the old gasket and it leaked. So I had to buy a new gasket. 21 dollars down the drain.
It’s one of those things that could last ten years or ten minutes. Hard to say. What would happen if it broke at 90 MPH? Would the chain just slap the crap out of the housing? Would a piece jamb and destroy the whole thing, lock the wheel and leave me for buzzard food in the middle of the Desert somewhere? Guess I’ll have to bite the bullet and spend the 8 bucks for a new one. Just seems like the responsible thing to do.
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
Maybe if you didn't hammer a screwdrive into it it wouldn't have broken? On the bright side the thing looks really clean for an 02 and must have been taken care of.
By the way, if you remember that tick I had about 18 months ago and was looking at the pushrods. It was that exact shoe and was worn almost completly through. Found it when I changed the clutch.
"Maybe if you didn't hammer a screwdrive into it it wouldn't have broken?" - haha ;)
Yeah! 90 and broke don't sound good,
wish i was at that bbq with bob right about now... damn glad you caught and fixed that shoe!
I just hope this HARLEY doesn't pay you back for desecrating it with a Honda screwdriver!!!!
AZHD: I seem to remember that. You know that you should open that little ‘inspection’ cover and check it every now and then.
discount: It wasn’t funny. I hit my thumb.
Webster: Could have really screwed up my day.
mq01: That was the family gathering for Easter. The only one I knew was my wife.
Big D: I think it did. Just found a leaking fork seal.
Big D beat me to the Honda screw driver. You should get down on your knees and beg forgiveness from the Harley Gods. WEll, tons of the HD parts are made in Japan but that's just beside the fricken point.
Wow...errrr...uhhhmmmm...Now I'm gonna have to pry off my primary cover. Thanks for the dose of paranoia.
I know you used the Honda blade on purpose...just to get a rise. lol
wow, it looks really nice. So what do you call it? Honda-David? lol
Wow nice work I like it. Thanks for sharing.
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