Ben and Tom sat by the mouth of the cave and listened intently to their Uncle Luke. The time to attack the last stronghold of the outlawed U.S.S.A. government was close. Washington DC would fall tonight. Over one million soldiers of the Armed Citizen Force were outside the barricaded city waiting for Luke’s order…
Ben, now 21 years old, and Tom 18, barely remember life before the cave. Fifteen years earlier Luke and his brother John had started the ACF. When John, the boys’ father, was killed in a raid on Ft. Dix, thirteen years ago, Luke raised them as his own, and as Lieutenants in the War on Tyranny. The last ten years living in the cave.
Luke asked if the electromagnetic pulse weapons were in place. Ready to take out all commutations and electronics within DC. The young men nodded in agreement. Everything was in place and victory was assured. Tom looked up and spoke, “Uncle Luke, I’ve heard many stories over the years about how this started. But you’ve never told us how you and our Dad got involved. Can you tell us now, before we face the final battle?
Luke had been prepared for this question. He didn’t want to tell them until they were ready. Until “they” asked. He reached into his rucksack for his Winslow pipe. Packed it with his favorite tobacco and took long drags. He stared at the sky for several minutes putting his thoughts in order.
“Boys”, Luke began. “When the government sold GM, Dodge and Ford to Japan, most people accepted the fact that Toyota was the only auto you could buy anymore. In 2011 when Harley took a loan from the government things heated up a little. But assurances were made that the Motor Co. would continue as normal. Weeks later, when news surfaced that the Congress had officially changed the name of our country to the “United Socialist States of America” and had sold Harley Davidson to a Chinese company, things really got hot”.
Luke relit his pipe and continued. “Within a week there were riots and looting at every Harley dealer in the country. Law enforcement was powerless to stop it. I still think they didn’t want to stop it. They were just as mad as we were. That’s when your father and I, along with our HOG chapter formed the “Armed Citizen Force”. Our objective was to take out any Chinese owned company on American soil. Before long we had HOG chapters across the country joining”.
The sun was beginning to fade behind the mountain. Luke looked at his nephews and grinned. They would be part of history. “When they deployed the National Guard to stop us, that was their biggest mistake. The government had no idea how many “Soldiers for Harley” there were in the backwoods and bayous of America. Most of them were secretly smuggling weapons to the ACF. One by one, military installations were controlled by the ACF. Our numbers grew daily. A lot of U.S.S.A officials tried to flee overseas. Most never made it. That brings us to the here and now boys. The day we restore the country your father loved and died for”.
It was now completely dark outside. The three of them packed their gear on three rusted but freshly serviced Harleys and headed down the mountain. The lights of DC glowed like demon candles as they approached the onetime Capital that was now a fortress. The soldiers of the Armed Citizen Force stood in silence and saluted as they rode past. The time was now. Tonight they would give birth to a new Nation.
Ben, now 21 years old, and Tom 18, barely remember life before the cave. Fifteen years earlier Luke and his brother John had started the ACF. When John, the boys’ father, was killed in a raid on Ft. Dix, thirteen years ago, Luke raised them as his own, and as Lieutenants in the War on Tyranny. The last ten years living in the cave.
Luke asked if the electromagnetic pulse weapons were in place. Ready to take out all commutations and electronics within DC. The young men nodded in agreement. Everything was in place and victory was assured. Tom looked up and spoke, “Uncle Luke, I’ve heard many stories over the years about how this started. But you’ve never told us how you and our Dad got involved. Can you tell us now, before we face the final battle?
Luke had been prepared for this question. He didn’t want to tell them until they were ready. Until “they” asked. He reached into his rucksack for his Winslow pipe. Packed it with his favorite tobacco and took long drags. He stared at the sky for several minutes putting his thoughts in order.
“Boys”, Luke began. “When the government sold GM, Dodge and Ford to Japan, most people accepted the fact that Toyota was the only auto you could buy anymore. In 2011 when Harley took a loan from the government things heated up a little. But assurances were made that the Motor Co. would continue as normal. Weeks later, when news surfaced that the Congress had officially changed the name of our country to the “United Socialist States of America” and had sold Harley Davidson to a Chinese company, things really got hot”.
Luke relit his pipe and continued. “Within a week there were riots and looting at every Harley dealer in the country. Law enforcement was powerless to stop it. I still think they didn’t want to stop it. They were just as mad as we were. That’s when your father and I, along with our HOG chapter formed the “Armed Citizen Force”. Our objective was to take out any Chinese owned company on American soil. Before long we had HOG chapters across the country joining”.
The sun was beginning to fade behind the mountain. Luke looked at his nephews and grinned. They would be part of history. “When they deployed the National Guard to stop us, that was their biggest mistake. The government had no idea how many “Soldiers for Harley” there were in the backwoods and bayous of America. Most of them were secretly smuggling weapons to the ACF. One by one, military installations were controlled by the ACF. Our numbers grew daily. A lot of U.S.S.A officials tried to flee overseas. Most never made it. That brings us to the here and now boys. The day we restore the country your father loved and died for”.
It was now completely dark outside. The three of them packed their gear on three rusted but freshly serviced Harleys and headed down the mountain. The lights of DC glowed like demon candles as they approached the onetime Capital that was now a fortress. The soldiers of the Armed Citizen Force stood in silence and saluted as they rode past. The time was now. Tonight they would give birth to a new Nation.
Ok...somewhat close to Patriots but not. Where's this from?
“Joker”: I wrote this about 5 hours before I saw your comment about “Patriots”. It’s pure fiction out of my pea-brain. It’s the rest of the thought:
“It wouldn’t take much for the shit to hit the fan. Just a small incident. Totally insignificant in itself. But enough to push people over the edge. DC would fall pretty quick.”
from my last post: “Ravings Of A Lunatic”.
Nice writing. You should develope this into a book. Sorry no smart ass stuff right now.
Sorry to disappoint you. But there would be more of a battle than you realize. The powers-that-be have been gearing up for a citizen uprising for quite a while now. See the attached information regarding American prison camps and the executive orders that already exist that allow the government to seize control of everything in this event. Scary shit.
I love this story.
You gotta keep it going.
Now it's my turn to say....
More more more!
I looked over at thhe site mentioned in Dean's list.
Scary shit.
But then as I read on....
They are using astrlogers,psyhics.
And preparing for the Antichrist.
It lost all credalbility.
Yeah, don't look at the obviously kooky stuff. I put the link up mainly so you could see the pictures and videos.
Mastercheif: Err, thanks. You feeling sick?
“D-Day”: Yea, it would be a long and bloody battle. Unlike other countries where that prison camp crap worked, this country is still very well armed. Building camps is one thing. Trying to get Soldiers to guard their neighbors is a whole different thing.
As for that web site, once I saw references to Christians and UFO’s…
Big D: Thanks; I’ll see what I can do. BTW, thanks for the damn earworm! As soon as I read “More more more”, the 1974 song “Lady Marmalade” by Labelle started going through my head. And now it won’t stop!
WillyD, your pea brain just might be larger than you think. I know we have been laughing about a revolution and all lately. But with all the restrictions and all that bullshit, legislation, government control and all that I wonder if it somehow could come to pass. All it will take is just a slightly larger gap between that have and have nots.
Taxation without representation back a couple of hundred years ago. Today it's tax spending without PROPER representation. Government greed has been the downfall throughout history. Someone better fix it because alot of us have nothing to lose at the moment, which sets the stage for something or other. Boston tea party? errr....maybe today it would be a Silicon Chip Party.
Dave: I like the “Silicon Chip Party” idea. They can use the green ooze from my exploding pea brain for the dip.
Sorry I'm late to the party, but where do I sign up! REVOLUTION! Rise up all ye citizen's with brains, rise up and squash Governmental Tyranny! Rise up I say!
Oh, excuse me. I got a little carried away there. I'm off to the next post to see how our battle turned out! We better kick some ass!
Lady R: That sounded like your running for office....
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