OK, I’ll throw in a prize. Guess what it is and I’ll buy you the drink of your choice at Dave’s coffee shop. You have to come claim your prize, on a bike.
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
Better Running Bikes Makes Running Bikes Better. I was expecting you. Are you Secret Service or FBI?
It's a cock sleeve! Ok, maybe it is a cable stripper?
At first I too thought it was a cock sleeve. Then it looked more like a masterbaitinflippenfliger. My son said it looked like a spoke weight hammer.
Fuel/vacuum line pinch off tool?
Ride on,
It looks like it would spice and crimp something. How close am I?
Word veri: "zergasms" I'm afraid to ask!
Maybe a tool to remove those pesky car door liner fasteners?
It's keeps that nickel from getting lonely...right?
I have no idea. I was thinking a condom for ironman. Then I thought, hmmmmm....looks like it might make hot-wiring ingnitions a-lot faster and easier...
Did you show me this? YOU DID and because I have a pea brain I already forgot. pffffttt...
LADYR - That's easy. In a game called STARCRAFT there is an alien race called "The Zerg". It's simply alien orgasm. There yah have it. Although seeing two Hydralisks going at it might not turn me on all that much.
It looks like a speculum used by my buddy Zontar the alien's protologist.
Open Road is kind of in the right city, but still several blocks away.
As far as the cock sleeve (whatever that is) theory goes, someone must have a rather “small” opinion of themselves.
Is it a tittie twister???
Honestly, I have N.F.C.
You know I have racked my brain trying to think of what this may be.
Maybe it removes some type of molding on the door or around windows? Whatever it is I probably tried to use a damn flathead to do the same thing that it does lol.
My second guess has to do with fuel line couplings but I have used those and I know they look nothing like that.
Looks like a 'remover' of some sort. Not sure what it removes, though. :)
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