Saturday, February 14, 2009

Husbands, Don’t Forget:

Just a frindley reminder:
Love Is Grand,
Divorce Is A Hundred Grand!


Webster World said...

Yes sir. My pretty little wife had to work this day so yesterday it was The Olive Garden a card and an Orchid.

Mastercheif said...

Do you know how many gerbils you could buy with $100,000?!

Ann said...

Sage words, Willy D.

IHG said...

Gerbils? WTF?

Divorce = don't remember getting any money when I divorced the last one after Valentine's Day! hmmmmmmmmmm...

Ann said...

Well, mine didn't cost $100 grand, but it cost him some jail time. :)

Webster World said...

Gerbils...Richard Gear lol

Lady R (Di) said...

Remember: It's cheaper to keep her!

Willy D said...

Webster: As long as you remembered. That’s the “important” part.

Mastercheif: That depends. If it’s a government contract, maybe two or three.

Ann: Jail time? I’m sure he deserved it. You go girl!

IHG: Gerbils are a sasquatches favorite snack.
Money? I was talking about the candy bar ;)

Lady R: Amen sister!