(My wife sent this to me, (e-mailed from 30 feet away). I don’t know why. I’m thinking it’s a hint for Mothers Day. But I could be wrong.)
Better Running Bikes Makes Running Bikes Better. I was expecting you. Are you Secret Service or FBI?
This mailbox was interesting. Someone put a lot of work into it.
This was strange. The guy’s got cars buried like headstones by his barn.
This one just made me feel proud of what this Country still stands for.
Sunday morning I decided to go too the top of the Grade separating Salinas Valley and Carmel Valley. If you get up there right at sunrise you can look down at Carmel Valley covered in fog before it burns off.
Well I got there in time to get a few pictures, but I also got a Easter present on the way. Heading out CA 68 to the Grade there’s not a car in site. Great. I get to the turn off, get in the left turn lane and wait on the light to change. Actually I was about to run the light. Like I said; “Not a car in sight”. All of a sudden I hear someone shouting “Hey”. I look to the right and there’s a CHP car next too me. Shit! Where did this guy come from? He’s a kid. Can’t be much older than my socks. As soon as he said “Slow down” instead of “Pull over” I knew it was my lucky day. Hey, I was doing 85 in a 55 zone and had a good idea it was illegal. When I got back to town I bought a lottery ticket for the April 15th , Tax Day, drawing.