(My wife sent this to me, (e-mailed from 30 feet away). I don’t know why. I’m thinking it’s a hint for Mothers Day. But I could be wrong.)
You ever heard of a Southern Baptist bra?
A man walks into the lingerie department of Macy's in New York City. He tells the sales lady, "I would like a Southern Baptist bra for my wife, size 34B." With a quizzical look the sales lady asks, "What kind of bra?" He repeats, "A Southern Baptist bra. My wife said to tell you that she wanted a Southern Baptist bra, and that you would know what she wanted." "Oh, yes, now I understand," says the sales lady. "We don't get as many requests for them as we used to. Most of our customers lately want the Catholic bra, the Salvation Army bra, or the Presbyterian bra." Confused, and a little flustered, the man asks, "So, what are the differences?"The sales lady responds, "It's really quite simple. The Catholic bra supports the masses, the Salvation Army bra lifts up the fallen, and the Presbyterian bra keeps them staunch and upright." He muses on that information for a minute and says, "Hmm. I know I'll regret asking, but what does the Southern Baptist bra do?" She replied, "Well, the Southern Baptist bra makes mountains out of molehills."
Nice! I'll take two Salvation Army bras please! LOL!
Funny! I'd go back to church to unsnap a Catholic bra!
LOL! Funny but there is always an element of truth in every joke.
I don't care what kind of bra it is, as long as I can still do a quick release with two fingers.
"Roger houston, wer'e punching out...this baby is burning up! Eject, eject, eject!"
If it doesn't have at least 3 hooks, I'm throwing it back in for being too small to keep. Whoever said, "More than a handful is a waste" was an asshole.
LOL! How true! I think I'm with Ann... Salvation Army Bra! LOL!
Ann: Nope, I’m not gona’ touch that one;)
Mastercheif: Perv! (That’s a complement).
Dave: Can you show me that two finger quick release?
“Joker”: Catch and release? MA has size regulations on boobs? Where can I get a application for that state job?
Lady R: And I ain’t touching this one either (I ain't no dummy):}
Willy D: A suitable response would have been: you can have anything you want! :)
Ann: Yes Ma’am. Sorry Ma’am. Won’t happen again Ma’am ;)
Definitely worth passing along - thanks!
Thanks for the laugh!
I been play'in chest in them for years.
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