First we give women the right to vote.
Then we let them work outside the home.
Then we "pay" them for working outside the home.
Then we let them drive cars.
What’s next?
I’ll tell you what’ next.
Now they’ve taken our “secret wave”!
Is nothing sacred anymore?
How far will this go?
Then we let them work outside the home.
Then we "pay" them for working outside the home.
Then we let them drive cars.
What’s next?
I’ll tell you what’ next.
Now they’ve taken our “secret wave”!
Is nothing sacred anymore?
How far will this go?

Phew...I feel so much better now. To think that all this time I thought I was the reason for getting that response from every woman I meet...
LOL! I was riding bitch this weekend, and giving turn signals with the one-fingered salute...I was a bit drunk. :)
Love the Pix and rock Sister! That is so funny!
God love Grannies with attitude and spunk!
Grandma is that you?
Webster... you stole my line! LOL! What a bunch of funny ladies! Go sistas!
“Joker”: It isn’t you. Women wave at me like that all the time.
Ann: With both hands at the same time? Did that confuse the other vehicles as to which way you were turning?
IHG: Yes, Ann rocks!
AHD: And bikes.
Webster: Yes sonny!
Lady R: Bad Webster! Grandma will punish him!
Love it! It made me think of work the other day. There was a table of 4 elderly ladies, probably late 70's. One of the women asked the other one a question and the other one replied, "Fuck no!" I died laughing.
B.B.: I hope you gave her a free shot of JD!
Hey, you have their numbers. I love me some nasty old ladies!
Mastercheif: I believe they are giving you their number. It’s #1.
and why should it end may I ask?
Grand-ma rocks...after all she's been round the blob a couple of times I'm sure...
That looks like the ladies from my bingo hall. When I call the wrong numbers they wave at me just like that.
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