There seems to be a bit of confusion over the 4-27-09 votes on SB 435, CA’s motorcycle smog check Bill. On 4-28-09 I checked to see what the vote was. The States website listed the votes at 13 ayes, 0 nyes. My Rep., Senator Jeff Denham sits on the 13 member Appropriations Committee. Being one of the responsible parties for putting him in office (yes, I vote), I immediately started making plans for the mutiny and sent the Senator a hastily composed e-mail:
Senator Denham,
"Because of your yes vote on SB 435 I feel that you are all about grabbing money for the State and don’t care about the people your actions will impact. I will no longer support you and will oppose you for any office that you seek in the future."
Short and sweet. It made me feel a little better, but my bikes were still pissed. The Shovel was so scared of a motorcycle proctology exam it started pissing oil everywhere.
I’ve sent gripes to many politicians and have always received the same response – none, with the exception of a few stupid form letters. This correspondence should be no different. On 5-4-09 I checked my e-mail. There was a response from Senator Denham dated 4-29-09:
"Thank you for contacting me regarding Senate Bill 435. I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns.
Senate Bill 435 would require all motorcycles model-year 2000 and newer to be included in the smog check program beginning January 1, 2012. This bill would make the violation of the mandatory smog checks for motorcycles a crime.
I ride a Harley, and like you, I believe that placing these restrictions on motorcycles would create an undue burden for taxpayers, especially in these tough economic times.
That’s why I voted “aye” on a procedural motion to send SB 435 to the “suspense file” in Senate Appropriations Committee. This action holds the bill in committee and does not let it advance.
Should there be any attempt to move SB 435 out of the Appropriations Committee, please do be assured I will oppose it. Again, thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond to your concerns."
Senator, 12th District
My take on this is that the vote put the Bill in limbo and keeps it from going forward. I will check and see what CA’s legal definition of “suspense file” is. But for right now it appears that SB 435 is going nowhere. So I guess the whole committee voted to stop it, for now, instead of sending it further up the food chain. And speaking of food, tonight I’m having a big helping of crow with a little humble pie for desert, and writing a amendment to my last e-mail to Jeff Denham, CA Senator and Motorcycle Enthusiast.
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
Dr Wrench, you're awesome, thank you. Great blog, great post, I was worried and not sure what to think of this committee action. I hope it is in fact in limbo permanently. Very cool of Denham to reply, and in such a manner too... thanks for the info.
Humble pie doesn't taste so bad after a while. I know this because I suffer from severe 'foot in mouth disease'. I hope you enjoy your pie. ;)
Amen to that. ;]
Dr. Wrench...
I figure since you publicly posted this, you would not be upset if I forwarded this to my friend Keith Ball (AKA Bandit) @
Please see what he is doing @ to help you in this fight! Your post may actually help him more than you may have realized!
Thank you!
Dr. W: Outstanding! Not only did they do the right thing, they listened to you too. Things like this give one hope that maybe they really do think before they act.
Years back they tried to put a helmet on us in Iowa. This was back before the internet where every fact and figure you wanted was posted the way you wanted it to look. I spent a lot of time in the library that spring researching “facts” and fired off many letters with this information. Much to my surprise ever single one of these people not only wrote back but some even called me personally for more information. The over whelming response from each one of them was “I didn’t know that. Thanks for educating me.”
That does mean I trust them completely? Hell no! But if we don’t do our part (read get involved) we can’t expect them to do it for us. So along with that food enjoy a slice of Raisin pie to go with it.
mq01: Permanent would be nice. But just like a bad burrito, it’ll probably be back.
Ann: A little Hot sauce kills the bad taste of everything.
Big D: As long as the fight continues it means we haven’t lost.
chessie: Public? This is public? I thought it was just you and me! Shit, I guess I better watch what I say. Sure, forward it. There was so much confusion on the vote I figured it needed to be straightened out. And what better person than someone who voted on it.
fasthair: I’m not sure if he listened to me. Maybe the threat of a lost vote. That’s the one thing they can’t buy, at least not from me. Raisin Pie? I haven’t heard that 20 years. You must be as old as I am.
I could tell you a story about the fucking CA smog nazis that would make you puke. I miss the weather but don't miss the screwed up idots who run the place!
Hey, a righteous dude know when to eat that humble pie. This is what makes a man a man. Can't stand idiots who live in the land of "I can do no wrong."
This is great! You did more than most and pursued. I'm guilty of not being more involved in some areas. At least you are not talking a bunch of crap you know nothing about. (why I don't say much.) Well informed and I learn something new every time you open your pie hole...even if it is full of humble pie.
Great post and info. Good beans brother. I count you as one of the pieces of eight.
My mother would pose for a picture like that! Way funny!
Thanks for the update. I have information still to read from ABATE sent to me while on vacation. I just got in and read your comments. Sorry it has taken so long. I have a lot of catch up to do and this is first on the list. Tried to comment from my blackberry and did not work.
In any case, I love the letter you wrote and think that's the direction I will take also.
KT: That’s the only power I have, my vote.
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