I was just getting ready to do a once over on the bike in preparation for a business trip on Thursday. 400 mile round trip. Wages plus mileage reimbursement. It’s a hard job, but someone has to do it. Anyway, pulling out a few tools I ran across this thing. Figured it would be a good item for some brain exercises. The sparkplug is for size scale. The cloth bag is the original packaging. Hint: If you’re under 40, go ask a old fart.

A cylinder boring tool.
A tap?
Or a reamer.
Baron: Nope.
Webster: No and no.
Big D: You’re as old as you feel, but you’re still wrong.
A colon extractor.
A gerbil puller?
Baffle reamer to remove carbon or a Clutch alignment tool?
Maybe a valve seat fixer thinger?
Hell, I dunno. I'm tired of looking at it and my head hurts. lol.
Webster: A colon extractor would look just like a big bowl of nasty chili.
“Joker”: Nope. But if I ever find a “gerbil puller” your welcome to borrow it.
Dave: Your #2 guess is pretty darn close.
That's damned cordial of ya Willy, but I think I'm all set on that!
LMAO...you dont wanna know what i thought... ;)
mq01: Yes I do wanna know. I might learn something :]
A cross thatcher for a cylinder?
C3PO's butt plug?
Is it a valve spring compresser?
Uh... a hole spreader??
I have absolutely no idea, just keep it away from me!!
Butt plug
Mastercheif: A robots butt plug? Where’s a robots butt?
Bill: Nope.
Lady R: A what? No, never mind. I don’t want to know;)
Mr. M: Yep, for a robot with diarrhea.
ANWSER: I’m surprised that a “plumber” didn’t get it. It’s a “bibb seat dresser”. As in “hose bibb or water faucet”. Patented in 1932 by Skinner Co. Still works perfect. You can fix a faucet for next to nothing, although most of the time people just buy a new faucet for $$$.
Don't be so surprised; I'm not your average plumber. For one, I don't walk around with my ass crack hanging out, and two, nobody bothers re-dressing seats anymore. That tool was just about obsolete when LBJ announced his "Great Society."
Although the "washers" can still be changed in old faucets, more often than not the rim around the bibb seat of the stem is worn so bad it can't be redressed. The solution is either new stems or a whole new faucet. Since faucets with washers in them are now on par with 8-track tapes and shag carpet, I'd say you've got yourself a dandy paper weight there Willy! Congratulations though, you did fool me.
Word Ver: "cutfart"
I swear I'm not making that up!
“Joker”: I thought the “ass crack” was mandatory. I still use it every few years. Guess I’m just too cheap to buy new. Everything is throwaway now. Maybe fix-it-shops will make a come back now that everyone is broke. “Cutfart”, is that right after ass-crack 101?
Oh don't get me wrong, we still do plenty of fixing when we can. As far as faucets go, it's all ceramic disc cartridges and composite material stems nowadays. Seats are rubber atop springs, both easily replacable. The chrome coated brass stem with bibb and washer and brass faucet seat are just archaic, and not what you'd call cost effective either.
The special tool now is a Moen Cartridge Puller, and yes, you really do have to buy it special just to fix that brand of faucet. The difference is you'll get years in between replacing modern cartridges and stems, unlike washers which didn't hold up for long at all.
Technology marcheth on...
“Joker”: Your right, modern materials are a lot better… hold on, I’ll be right back. I gotta go shove a match book in the 8-track. The darn thing is playing two tracks again!
Pretty soon you’ll press a button on your iphone and a beer and steak will pop out
Looks like a cookie pastry squeezer outer.
Okay...okay...... I always said I am not a wrencher!!!
Still looks like a cookie dough thingamajeeggeerr.
WillyD, you mean you don't already have the beer & steak app on your iphone????
I'm late, but I was kinda with KT, I was thinking cake decorating. ;)
KT: Squeezer outer thingamajeeggeerr? That sounds like a inverted bra to me ;)
Ann: iphone? Like I said; 8-tracks rule!
B.B.: Cakes? Believe me, you don’t want me baking anything.
Wow...I'm really really late but the first thing I thought of was this crazy thing I saw on a porno once! LMAO!
IHG: What was the title of that porno? I gotta see it.
Are they worth anything?
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