How to tell the sex of a marshmallow. More crap you never knew you wanted to know but were to afraid to ask.
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
Better Running Bikes Makes Running Bikes Better. I was expecting you. Are you Secret Service or FBI?
I knew that voice sounded familiar! I didn't realize it was a Jackhole! :)
Too much free time on your hands this weekend?
LMAO!!! WTF???
Mmmmmmm. S'more!
I think Dean is right... too much time on your hand AND road rally withdrawl.
I sense another road trip comin' on.
LMAO! Even though I was there, I still can't help but laugh!
The story behing this was I was trying to prove that if I was normal, and talking about crap that most people talk about with the average white guy voice that I would be a total bore...Somehow I don't think I proved my point.
It's on WillyD...I declare WAR!!!
Actually, I think watching was funnier than actually being there.
Ahhh, the great minds of our time sharing their brillance!
LMAO...did u say warts!?!?!?!?!!?
......sick man, sick... LOL!!!
I thought I was the only one who would go there. We did a bit of marshmallow roasting over the 4th too. I had one that hung so low, it looked like a ballsack.
Mr. M: Did you eat it?
Ann: See, not all jackholes are bad.
Dean: This was after the ride.
Lady R: But it’s a “good” withdrawal.
B.B.: Yep, Dave makes me laugh also.
Dave: Smile for the camera :)
Mastercheif: You’re going to make his head swell up!
mq01: Yes, that’s what he said.
Mr. M: Answer Ann’s question
Of course I did. I sucked it right off. Then proceeded to lick the rest of the white sticky goo off of the stick.
O.K., This is all just wrong.
At our 4th party I saw lots of simalar items like that.
Except the ones I saw weren't on a stick.
[OK some ended up on a stick...sort of]
Nice and sick. Love it.
Mr. M: You one sick puppy!
Big D: A camo stick?
Webster: The sicker, the better.
That is such a good video clip! The guys sitting around enjoying themselves and talking crap, it's a guy thing - we do it a lot here in South Africa as well. I really must get over to the US and join you guys for a ride and a braai (barbeque) soon.
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