Sunday I got enough of the Shovel done to run it. Still got more to do. Fenders, brakes, foot peg, lights, etc… All that stuff that’s nice to have, but not necessary to make it go. B.B. and Dave came over to see if the thing would start. The first part of the video is the first try after assembly. The next part is Dave and B.B. taking a turn. The bike is facing the other way because I took it for a spin around the block. That was a mistake. No rear fender, no place to mount the seat. The zip tie didn’t work. I hit 2nd gear, and the seat shot out from under me. The rear tire almost launched me like a conveyor belt. Won’t try that again!
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
OOOHH I'da paid good money to see that!!
Very cool! Glad it didn't conveyor your ass on the asphalt! Looks like boys having fun with the toys.
You go B.B.! At least you tried. While watching, it made me want to jump on to and give it a try. Makes me glad I have an ignition switch! LOL!
I remember kick starters from waaay baaack. They still don't look like any fun and I'm just glad BB didn't get it halfway down and then get slapped with it when her foot slipped off.
im with azhd, those babies have a sweet spot...and i like my teeth. ;) bravo to b.b. for trying, she'll get it...
oh how nice the older bikes are. excellent post!! made me miss my youth. that bike sounds fantastic willyD!!
Yeah! I have not kicked a bike since 1985. Glad you are getting that shovel on the road. I am going to have to post my vid of this event...and give you a razzing for taking off around the block with not brakes. I'm glad you didn't get your nuts sucked in by that rear tire. Ouch.
Thanks for letting me in on watching you put this thing back together. Now I really gotta get on my own her for around town.
Stupid as it may sound, I've always preferred a kick start.
That's probably why I'm all crippled up now at the ripe ol' age of 53. I couldn't even kick a damn pebble in the street these days.
I almost broke my friggin foot! They make it look so easy in the movies!
I would have paid good money to see that seat shoot out from under your ass, Willy!!!!
BB, hope your foot is ok! ;) Big D watched and said it was a rythm weren't pushing on the downstroke, whatever. :)
Big D: Money? You saw it for free on your putter. But if you want to send money…
Lady R: B.B. will be kicking with the best of ‘em before long.
AHD: Waaay baack! Dude you’re making me sound old!
mq01: You miss your youth? Not sure I’d want to go back.
Dave: I think I’d rather get my nuts sucked in by the carb. Screw brakes, they don’t make you go faster!
MDJ: I still like kickers. Next I want to find one with a magneto so I can get rid of the battery also.
B.B.: You got two feet, quit bitching.
Ann: Yea, well luckily there ain’t no video of that.
That was a great sound when you started it up. What an awesome bike! I would have been just like B.B., it's a good thing she doesn't have more height or weight to kick it over.
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