Screw that bastard Murphy and his stupid Laws! Boy did I make a boo-boo. Put the tranny back in, mounted the inner primary, got the clutch and belt drive in, then it hit me. Crap! Did I really just do that? Yep, I did. Well shit happens. Nothing that can’t be fixed pretty easily. Just a pain in the butt.
There’s a rookie mistake in the picture. The first one who spots it gets to call me a dumb ass. The second one that sees it can come fix it for me.
Answer: 8-3-09
I forgot to put the shifter shaft in. Goes in from the inside of the inner primary, “before” you mount the damn thing!

There’s a rookie mistake in the picture. The first one who spots it gets to call me a dumb ass. The second one that sees it can come fix it for me.
I forgot to put the shifter shaft in. Goes in from the inside of the inner primary, “before” you mount the damn thing!
that belt inside the primary dont look right to me, but i know nothing of engines, clutches, and trans, so im just guessing. i will say, on a open primary the belt is outside of those big pullys (on right of pic) and not inside of pullys. right?
i dont know. im good with looking like a dumbass so go ahead...tell me i got nothin but a boobie
im curious of the right answer.
I don't see a belt tensioner.
I just put 'Annabelle 95% together and realized the shifter pawl wasn't lined up right;;;;SOB!!
Eeeek! I just see nakedness!
Okay... the belt... only cause mq01 pointed it out.
Hey... I'm just hear for the fun!! Woo Hoo!
(waiting my turn on the rental!)
I'm gonna call you a dumbass anyway, because you made the rookie mistake! :)
You told me over the phone but I still don't see it...pffftt...
I'll call you a dumb ass just cause I can!
mq01: That big gear thingy is for the lectric starter. U U Prize
Big D: Ain’t got no tensioner on this thing. Best get the right size belt. But the word “shifter”, damn close!
Lady R: It’s not necked. It’s showing it’s inner beauty.
Ann: And I’ll wear dat like a badge of honor ;)
Dave: You saw what over the phone?
B.B.: Such a sweet girl!
That tranny mainshft bearing don't look too good in the close up shot...
Big D: The picture is a little deceiving. That’s just grease. Bearing! We don’t need no stinking bearing!
knew i shoulda got out my manual... :)
RYC: "NY got to me 27 years ago. I left the damn place and now I’m sane...."
Now what the hell did ya go 'n do THAT for? I moved INTO NY 27 years ago 'n u moved OUT. Some great timin' *I* have, huh? Story of my effin' life.
So...what is it???
Ann: My internet was down for awhile. Look at the second picture. It was the shifter shaft.
Oh! OK! Yeah, a broken shifter shaft really sucks! That means you can ride it, huh? ;)
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