This ain’t got crap to do with bikes, just me running my mouth. I haven’t been posting or commenting on anything lately because I’ve been doing my civic duty. I’ve been waging my own war with the local powers-that-be. The local issue I oppose was to be heard this Tuesday by the City Council. It “did not” make it on the agenda. That surprises me because the other side has all the money and tried to keep most of it from the public. Weather or not writing a butt load of emails, letters-to-the-editor and going out knocking on doors and talking to folks helped or not, I don’t know. But it’s not on the agenda, at least for this month. Maybe bitching loud enough works sometimes. And I can certainly bitch pretty darn loud when I think someone is trying to stick it in me without any lube.
And that brings up the “good news” that this country is not headed toward Socialism. We’re way the hell past that. Can you say Totalitarianism? When you have nuts like Ahmadinejad and Kadafi falling in love with a U.S. President that should scare the hell out of you. They should be scared shitless and hate his guts. Something’s wrong. And those little kids singing the “obama song”. What’s next? Little red obama books? Chairman Mao would be proud. And WTF is up with them saying they aren’t going to post that health care scam on the Internet until after the vote? Who the f#ck do they think they are? Oh that’s right, they’re the Lords and Masters. We are but the humble servants. The point is that we all need to start bitching very very loud and very very often. If we don’t, then we deserve what we get. Control of every aspect of our lives. Right down to how many pisses you can take each day.
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
Totalitarianism, yeah...I can see that. I have been thinking about this for a long time.
Glad that you are taking up the sword. All this stuff you have been talking about is actually putting my head in the red zone...Well, I guess it just wasn't you when I think about it...IT'S ALL THIS CRAP THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON!!!!!
I have been wondering what the hell is going on. Is it just my perspective or are things really heading down the swirly hole.
i keep flashing on people/private policing groups, havent we seen this before, oh ya, hitler!!
even the banks are now flat out lying to the american people; they took bailout relief funds 1 yr ago, re-wrote property values down across the country on their books, sold off the bad debt hence getting it off the books, and are sitting pretty now profiting by refusing to finish the deal with the people and revalue/modify/refi claiming "we're short staffed and cant handle the volume". fuck this.
and we havent heard shit from the white house since bush left office. !@#$... im wondering, does obama have $$ in this? hmmm...
Ahhhhhhhhh, the wheels of justice can still be moved by those willing to take a stand and not be pushed around. When we don't stand up, we deserve what we get.
Funny thing is today is the day I am going to stand up for my own private little cause in my own private little work world. It is gonna get loud and I'm ready to rattle the rafters.
Couldn't have said it better myself. So I won't even try.
True it is. Sad too. Kids singing that song. Acorn. Government running anything. And this Anti-christ running the free world. We better to more than just stand up. We best prepare.
Dave: “down the swirly hole”? Remember the tidy bowl man? He might be the only one that’s safe.
mq01: Does the chosen one have any $’s in this? Well, he was a lawyer for Acorn. That should raise a few “Red” flags.
AHD: Hope you win your battle. But if you don’t the wars not lost, just use better ammo.
“D-Day”: Aw come on. I’ve heard you cuss. You can do it!
Webster: Stay prepared is right. Stock up and be wary of anyone with a little plastic nametag.
You must be just tucking frilled that your buddy just won the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing. You're right...we're going WAY past hell on this one.
Right on! Speak it and don't give up. We are America and that's what we are all about... we can't give more than any time we need to keep it loud!
Joker: Doing nothing? He’s doing just what he said he’d do. We’re screwed.
KT: I’m just not sure how many of the American Sheepel are listening. How could they fall for this crap?
One comment on the Peace Prize: He didn't vote for himself... the damn committee did!--What were THEY thunkin?!
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