I’m sure some of you remember a few months ago FLHX Dave posted about Brother Wolf taking a hard spill in that f’in LA traffic. Well that was three months ago. Since then poor Wolf and his ride have both been recuperating. We go over and see him all the time, but something tells me it’s not the same for him, watching us ride off while he’s standing on his porch with no ride. Today Wolf’s iron horse was ready to leave the stable. I knew I should be there but I’m also an a-hole. I showed up, just never told anyone I was there. I sat across the street so I could get a quick video of his first time back in the saddle. Wolf still has a few weeks before the doc gives him a full thumbs up. But his ride is rebuilt and back home where it belongs.
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
I'm really glad to see the happy ending to what could have been so tragic.
You should have overrode this with Aerosmith's I'm back in the saddle again music.
Glad to hear Wolf is mending and with the ride back in the garage, who the hell cares what the doctor says? The healing process just got shortened.
glad to see him back in the saddle!
I wish I could've been there, I can just imagine the shit eatin' grin on his face! Thanks for getting the video!
Mr.Motorcycle read my mind. That is exactly what I would have done. Also one of my most listened to.
Yup, he was pretty damned happy. It's good to see him back where life is happy for him. Now all we have to do is get him to work on his permanent "kung-fu" grip hand position.
The new paint on the bike makes it even sweeter than before...too shiny for my taste though!
Yea! The Wolf is back on the asphalt. Now all we gotta do is figure out where we are riding to break it in.
So glad to read and see that your friend Wolf is back in the saddle again! Loved the video!
I am smiling for Brother Wolf. You have soul and this little video proves it. You must have had a a huge smile on your face too!
YEAH!!! wolf and the bike look great. so when we riding?... ;) lets go...
Thanks everyone for the well-wishes for Wolf. I know he reads this crap so he’ll see them. Yes Wolf, I can see you in the secret spy cam! Next time I’m over there I’ll teach you how to write so you can leave a comment.
So glad Brother Wolf has recovered! That's a great video, WillyD. I bet Wolf is glad you did it. :)
Ride/Rock on Wolf!!
My ver word is tedlying
Who's ted..and why's he lying?
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