For the last week I’ve been paying close attention to the ass-end of cars. No, it’s not a fetish. But hey, some of those little imports do have cute rear-ends. I’ve been looking for something. A few months ago they were all over the place. Now I can’t find a single one. It actually gives me a warm fuzzy feeling that I can’t find any. What I’m been looking for is a f’ing obama bumper sticker.
Those things were on every other car a while back. Now I don’t see any. I’ve concluded that there are only two reasons for this. Reason 1: Everyone that voted for (choke) obama participated in the cash for clunkers and now has a new car. But I don’t think auto sales are up that much, so that’s probably not the real reason. Reason 2: (The more likely one) Everyone that voted for (just threw up in my mouth) obama is so damn embarrassed to have anyone know it that they tore the stupid thing off. How’s that hope and change working for you now?
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
Hope and change is working for me all right. I'm hoping the idiots wake up and change the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Odd how not just bumper stickers are missing either. Finding someone who admits to voting for the messiah is getting harder also, when in the past they all bragged about it.
ummm, willyD, come up north...
ummmmm, and then... come down south...
AZHD: I was pretty sure someone would mention that. There are people I know that I’m 100% sure voted for the “one”. When asked the question, I’ve received two answers. One: It’s none of your business. Two: I voted for someone else. Of course without saying whom they voted for. Seems like everyone is putting distance between themselves and Pbo. That’s the kind of bail-out I can support.
mq01 & Lady R: You’re both saying that bumper sticker still abound in your areas? According to the stats, “he” won Monterey County by 61.1%, but I don’t see any evidence around here anymore. Yesterday I saw two; one Bush-Chaney ’04 and one McCain-Palin. Maybe I have selective sight and can’t see them.
Well my dear, I WAS gonna say that it might beat lookin' at all the women's ass-ends that come into view....but we all know that just AIN'T the case! (unless, of course, its MY wide ass-end that yer lookin' at....cuz then ya'd much RATHER be lookin' atta auto's rear instead!!).
Yep... still seeing 'em! ;(
You know what!? I have observed this same thing...not that I was checking out auto-ass or anything kinky like that...errr...uh-hummm....cough...cough
MDJ: All women have a nice ass when sitting on a Harley. It’s just a fact ;)
Lady R: Start carrying a big fat magic marker.
Dave: Women don’t have bumper stickers on their jeans. You’re looking at the wrong ass-end!
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