Ya’ know, sometimes it’s just the little things that make you think. Take sitting here in the garage with a non-filter and a cup of Rollick’s finest. It’s making me think of last night – Christmas Eve. When I was sitting on my ass in this same chair last night, I had one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time. And I didn’t really do shit.
Bro. Dave had to be brewing at 0: dark thirty. So I figured I’d brave the cold and ride down to his shop. A coffeehouse is damn nice destation when your going on a dark, damp, cold ride. Hung out and bull shited with Viking most of the morning. When he got off work we took a ride over to see Wolf and wish him the merriest of seasons. He threatened to get a restraining order if we ever came back. Love ya’ Wolf, you’re a good Brother. Everybody said their best Merry F’ing Christmas and goes their separate way to take care of last minute details.
So I get home X-Mas Eve and there’s not really anything to do. The daughter is gone to a party, just the wife and I left to fend for ourselves. What to do what to do. A quick trip outside to abide is some local agriculture. Then we just sat in the semi-dark garage, the kitchen light glowing through the door. I put on Arlo Guthrie’s “Alice’s Restaurant” and we sat there staring at the bikes and listening to 40 year old tunes. And it was a damn fine time. It also made me think. The economy is in the toilet; I’ve got no idea how secure my job is and all that other negative crap. But then all that faded and the positive took over. I realized I’ve got some great people in my life.
Even with all the break-ups going on it’s still possible to be in love after 20 years. I wouldn’t trade my wife for anything. Becky and Dave help keep me sane, although I might trade Dave for a nice Panhead, but that’s a whole different story. All the folks out there in Blogersville, the ones I’ve met, Ann, mq01, Big D, Arizona Harley Dude, Biker Chickz, you guys hold a special place in my life. All of you I haven’t met, yet, you help me keep things in perspective. There’s a lot of wisdom floating around out there. Just wanted to let all of you know that I appreciate you being part of my life. You help restore my faith in humankind.
Now jump on your bike and terrorize the neighborhood! We wouldn’t want the “public” to get the idea that we’re nice people.
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
Okay, first off..if you find someone who'll take Dave in exchange for a Panhead, let me know!
Now, in all seriousness, you're a great guy Willy and I know I speak for Dave and myself both when I tell you that you and your family are a blessing to us.
Hey Willy D, don’t go getting all sentimental on us during this time of year, OK.
Linda and I were fortunate to get to spend Christmas Eve over at Ann and Big D’s house. Wouldn’t ya know it, Williams came up. The bloggers I have met are great folks and looking forward to meeting them on another ride real soon and the ones I haven’t met yet, I’m looking forward to meeting them on a ride too.
Happy New Year to you and the Mrs. Happy that that love has endured you both of you.
I'll be nice, it's post Christmas eve and your little deal under leave a comment says "Be Gentle, I Cry Easily" sooo, I will be. I don't get over here much but lurk around reading your post's from time to time (Aren't you a lucky devil) I enjoy seeing what's on your mind. But I can't see why you would muck up a nice post with that "O" word bumper sticker talk. Almost killed the moment and all.
Relax, I'm only giving you a hard time (my gift to you). Even if I don't count in the Merry Christmas wish of those bloggers you have'nt met, well, Merry Christmas to you and yours'n.
Words of wisdom? From us bloggers?? How much egg nog have you had my dear??
All kidding aside... I understand what your saying. I agree, that the broad spectrum of opinions we can learn from one another is very enlightening.
I hope we would have the opportunity to meet in person some day, but for now... being your keyboard pal is rewarding in itself. I look forward to your wit and humour, along with the stimulating convos you inspire.
Merry Christmas Willy D... and have a Happy New Year! :)
Sometimes its those lazy, quiet, do-nuthin' moments in life that turn out to surprisingly be one o' THE best....so I definitely know what yer talkin' about. Why do ya think *I* don't do a damn thing except go to work 'n come back home? My kids claim its cuz I'm deeply depressed, but *I* say its cuz I'm just plain ol' SMART! ;-)
And speakin' of my kids, I sure am glad to see that the people in yer life help keep ya sane, cuz all MINE ever seem to do is make me INsane...but I still love the shit outta 'em, just the same. Besides, its written in The Contract.
Now, I promise ya I won't ruin yer reputation by lettin' the public know how this very fine post of yers got me all sappy 'n such, just as long as U do the same 'n don't blow MY cover. I mean, I'm really NOT as mean as the name implies. But on second thought, that COULD BE a highly debatable issue, but we'll leave that be for now, just for GP sake....'n cuz its Christmas for crissake.
So I'll leave here wishin' u 'n yers a very merry christmas, a most joyful new year 'n I'm sendin' ya a great big ol' thank u for allowin' me to share in this small portion of yer "nice" life :-)
awesome! its like we had the same holiday willyD. i was trying to figure out how to write it, you know, the economy sucks but good shit really prevails!!! anyway, i dont have to write it, you just did :)
this has been a great holiday. i wonder if maybe its because we feel the pressures and arent taking anything for granted?!? hmmm...
willyD, i did my terrorizing earlier today thanks, so, i'll just say XOXO to you and yours!
Hey Willy D, there's a Panhead on Craigslist and they said they will consider a trade. ;)
I totally get what you're saying. I hope you had a great Christmas. And we will definitely see you again in 2010! As for the rest of the bloggers, well, we have got to get a blog/bike rally going soon!
B.B.: Even if we trade him, should we keep visitation rights?
Thank you. You guys are a blessing to us also
AZHD: Don’t worry. That mushy stuff only appears every few years.
Hope everyone had a great time. Got pics? Williams should be fun next year with the State Rally.
WooleyBugger: Sorry. I’ll try not to use that word anymore. But when I do you’ll notice that it’s spelled with a small “o” and I choke or throw up when I use it. I have a garbage can by my feet right now just in case.
Yes, you count. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
You’ve been restoring my faith in the American way. I’ve been watching as you struggle with starting a new business in these tough times. Not many have what it takes to turn their dreams into reality. I hope you make it and make it big.
Lady R: That’s it exactly. You take one subject and you get a whole bunch of perspectives. There’s no wisdom in looking at something from just one side.
Some day, somewhere, someone will say: “Smile! You’re on Willy D’s camera”.
MDJ: Just because I’m sane doesn’t mean I’m not crazy. There’s a fine line there someplace. I think I’ve crossed it a few times.
Maybe you can get a lawyer to check that contract.
mq01: Good point. The pressures on. Try to get back to the little things in life that can mean a lot more than the big, blown out of proportion stuff.
Ann: I’m sure B.B.’s on Craigslist right now! We might have to sneak Dave out of the state next year.
Dude, you are one of the good guys and most of all, you are considered a true brother to me in all senses of whatever that is suppose to mean.
I'm a blessed shit myself...and if you can find a panhead in exchange for me...well, I would understand...as long as you named the bike after me.
It's gonna be a good year..just like they always have been regardless. As far as keeping you sane??? I have never been accused of that...usually I blacklisted by the wife so I'm glad that Carol can see past the dirt on my face.
Dave: If you’re blacklisted by the wife, that’s because the wife doesn’t know how to keep her man. Nothing to do with you, just her inadequacies.
Sounds like you had a great evening. Sometimes those quiet times can really put things in perspective.
Still in love after 20 years?...
That's great to hear. You give me hope.
“D-Day”: Yep, still crazy after all these years.
Hope? Hope is nice, but understanding and sacrifice work better. And yes, this is my second time. And yes, I’m thankful the first one did not last.
Happy New Year Bro. Kick life right in the ass if it doesn’t treat you good.
Yep, It's friends and family that make it all worth it. I like you can hear what you are saying. hapily married for almost 19 years now. Wouldn't trade her for the world. I often ponder what I want, then have to take a step back and appreciate what I have.
Hope you had a great X-mas Holiday Friend.
Happy New Year..You grumpy ol Fart.
Mr. M: Yep, the way things are going it really makes you think about what you have, not what you want.
Big D: Back at ya,. You grumpy young whipper-snapper.
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