The Golden Rule: “He who has the gold, makes the rules”. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. This is semi-political rant. So if you’re only semi-conscious like I am, it might not make any sense. If you’re un-conscious it’ll make perfect sense. I don’t know weather to laugh or cry over local politics. Every damn city is claiming poverty and needs more taxes. Enter our new Governor; Jerry ‘Moonbeam’ Brown. The head clown. You’ve got to laugh at this shit. It’s one hell of a comedy. Jerry says he want to get rid of all the city ‘redevelopment agencies’. What ever that is. I think it’s a code word for ‘slush fund’. He want to take the funds they have and spend it on whatever states spend money on. The cities don’t like that idea. They figure they can spend it before Moonbeam can get the law passed. Ok, they can’t have that much money stashed without any of us citizens knowing about it. Could they? I’m one of those pricks that reads the city budget. Not that I can do much about it, just like to catch the SOB’s in lies. Does wonders for my blood pressure. Take this little piss-ant, gang infested piece of Calif. I park my bike in. One day they announce they have 19 million in the ‘slush fund’. Hey! That’s a bunch of bread. But that isn’t shit. The next day, they say it’s a mistake and they really have 31 million. WTF? Who had that under their desk? That’s no bookkeeping mistake. So every time one of these local bastards cries poverty I tighten my butt cheeks a little more because I know what’s coming. I need to stop paying attention to this crap, but it’s hard to ignore your pocket being picked constantly. This rain for about the last month hasn’t helped matter much either. June is fast approaching. If things go as planed we should get in a nice ride to AZ. I understand there’s going to be some sort of biker ritual thing going on. Not sure if we’ll be sacrificing any virgins or anything, but at least it should restore part of my sanity. But then again, self-imposed insanity isn’t really a bad thing. It tends to keep people you’d rather not deal with far away from you.
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
2 months ago
Don't know what da hell your spouting off about after all the dormacy, but I digg your choice of music you crazy S.O.B.
Take the bimbo wrench wench out on the town, you'll feel better. Sure she's tired of being cooped up in the dusty Garage.
I'll have to agree with Wooley... great song choice! :)
I'm still hoping to see a bunch of you at that biker ritual you speak of... but it's not looking good for Lady R.
The problem is... when I don't have the funds for fun... I don't get fun. Maybe I need to take lessons from those city officials you think so highly of. I'm sure I'd have plenty of fun money then!
I'm down... but not out!!
BTW... where the hell you been??
Great Tune! We need more spouting from you Willy...visit us more often with your rants. Enjoy that biker ritual over there in AZ!!
Politics...a creative way to become rich while screwing everyone around you in the name of their own good. May as well laugh, or you would be crying.
Come on June! Time to get this party started!
I like your do it like all the great directors do it. You get us all pissed off in one scene, only to do a 180 in the next scene...which makes that next scene more intese because our head is confused.
Who says you can't go back...we just did. Thanks
Neil Young can kiss my Southern butt.
I hear ya! Those of us here in Wisconsin have had our fill of politics! I think my blood pressure has been constantly spiked for the past month.
Finally pulled the bike out of storage today though. Serenity now...
It all makes sense...all you really have to do is what you do...and you are doing it. Staying on top. The other thing you do good is blow it off and have some fun. Met Caveman and Ann and just adore the both of them. I got a weeks worth of ab crunches with loads of laughter. Lost my voice too! music is great...
politics, thats one sure way to raise the blood pressure...
and the random crap flashback was much needed and enjoyed, thanks willyD. ahhhhh i can breath deep again :)
Wooley: You call it dormancy, I call it a binge. Same thing.
Lady R: Don’t take any lessons from them. Some of the officials that started this crap in Bell, CA will be seeing what kind of prisons our taxes have been paying for.
BTW…I’m still here. I’ve committed to so many different things that I should be committed.
IHG: I’ll enjoy it. The question is will I remember it?
AZHD: Probably a good time to buy stock in Visine eye drops. A lot of folks are crying out there.
Dave: Yep. We’ll be going back. In about 45 days.
Allen: Neil’s not that bad. He had some good stuff.
Dean: What you guys started is now spreading allover. But it needs to be done.
KT: You met them and they let you live? You’re one of the lucky ones:)
mq01: Flashback? Did someone say flashback? Wow! The colors. Groovy man.
Trust me when I tell took me a whole day and nite to recover!
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