OK OK. What goes around comes around. I’ve been making fun of the folks who live in the colder parts of our country. Well we got a little taste of, how should I put it, colder than us wussies would care for weather. This mourning it was 31 degrees when I left for work. Yes, that’s a heat wave to some of you. And it rained last night. It took ten minutes for the ice to melt on my windshield. No, I did not scrape it off. I just sat in my truck with the heater blasting until I could see through that nasty stuff. It was to damn cold to get out. Both my right side windows were frozen shut and would not go down.
Yea, I know. I should have just jumped on a bike and went to work. But like I said, you get a little wussiefied with the normal weather here. Besides, there was ice on the roads. I just couldn’t resist playing with the traction control on some of the turns. That’s still fun.
Anyway, here are a few pictures of Mt. Toro and the Gabilan Mt. Range I took from my shop. They range in elevation from 1500 to 3000 Ft. and are about 15 miles away. That’s still a little to close for me. If those mountains move any closer I’ll have to fabricate some sort of snowcyclemobile.
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
I wonder if I can elict any sympathy for all the cold Rain I had to put up with this week?
I actually had to wipe off my seat.
it got down to 50 degrees the other day.
I had to wait a extra 2 minutes for the bike to warm up.:]
Rain and snow and ice all suck! I am a warm-weather being. It has done nothing but rain since Sunday night, and more in store for today. I'm starting to get depressed. This is why I left Boston!
15 miles is too close for me, WillyD. I don't want to see snow unless it's a picture of it. :)
It's minus 1 here in Blaine, Mn right now as I type. 7:35 A.M Central on 12-18-08. Everything is covered in frost. It is truly beautiful (from inside my office window). You actually acclimate to the cold. The other day when it was minus 4, it felt no different than your 31, because there was no windchill factor. Now when the wind blows, hang onto yer hat. Different story. You never get used to that.
Snow in California?
Ahh...sweet satisfaction.
That snow better stay in them there hills....cuz if it gets any closer I'm moving in with Ann!
I'm tellin ya, snow makes a rosy or burnout a ton of fun. Iowaegians got skills man.
Yep...move over Ann... its a bit chilly!
Snow? Yeah, but it will be gone in the afternoon! Here in OhIo it's hangs around till April.
Big D: Hell ya.The CEO gets all the sympathy he wants;}
Ann: Same reason I left NY. Ever hear the term "lake effect snow"? Worst crap I ever worked in;(
Mr. M: The wind has been blowing. About 10-15 mph.
"D-Day": What can I say? You got us. Damn snow!
B.B.: Don't look up at the hills now, but...
Rick: Studded snow tires on your bike? Cool:)
KT Did: I saw on the news it was crappy down there also. Guess the Grapevine will be fun.
One Harley Rider: Nope. There was more snow today. And it's working it's way down. I was looking up there today watching it get whiter and whiter. Lower and lower. STOP!!
It was -8 in my backyard at 1am this morning. I took a leak out the back door to see if it would freeze on the way out. It didn't work, but my jewels still haven't dropped back in place yet.
Mastercheif: What if it froze on the way out?
"wussified" Was that one of your verification words? LOL! I would love to see a bit of snow this time of year. Growing up with it makes it seems like snow for Christmas is the norm. Alabama goes ballistic if we get the slightest dusting, which only occurs every couple of years. Bah! It's all what you get used to.
You can have some of ours Lady R. We just got 12" of snow overnight with 40 mph winds to keep it blowing and drifting. Schools and such are closed down for 75 miles in all directions. Wussified? No, this just plain 'ol SUCKS!
Sorry, done with my wining now.
(109 days until riding season)
We just got about the same as Dean got. We have the great lakes all around us. Makes for wintery winters. Come on bike week.
Oh, yeah... I didn't think of that. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea. It would have been interesting trying to thaw it out.
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