Sunday, January 18, 2009

News Flash!

Our fair city of Salinas was invaded yesterday. That's all I'm saying. If you want the whole story you'll have to go to B.B.'s Road Trip.


"Joker" said...

Unfair tease! I went to BB's and her latest is still 76-101 Things About Me. Now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight!!

B.B. said...

Ok, Ok, now it's up!

Willy D said...

Sorry Joker. I was messing with B.B. I put that up before B.B. was ready. I did it on purpose, just to see how she works under pressure. LOL

Learning to Golf said...

BB did just fine under the pressure of her first deadline. Maybe she has a future in the newspaper industry.

One Harley Rider said...

Wow!! This is like reading about the Inauguration, every blog I looked at today is reporting the Salinas Encounter. One again Jealousy rears its ugly head. Sorry.

Mr. Motorcycle said...

Way to put her under pressure!

Willy D said...

AZ HD: She just smiled and gave me a one finger salute :)

O H R: Are you saying your sick of snow already?

Mr. M: I have no doubt that she “will” get even. Better watch my back!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad BB got that post up.

B.B. said...

I will get even Willy D., and the worst part is you won't see it coming. Could be today, could be ten years from now, but one day when you're least expecting it.........WHAM!