Got my hands on a few freebie air cleaners. One is from something in the early 1980’s. These things were fuggley ugly when they came out and they’re even uglier now. So naturally I had to put in on the Shovel. I must say that this is the biggest ugliest damn air cleaner I’ve ever seen. So hell yes it’s staying! Now I’ve got to move the oil gauge, I can’t see it. It’s a never-ending battle messing with these old bikes. Just one more part that has no business being on this bike. Which is kind of the whole point in doing it.
That IS an ugly fucker! Wow! But it sure is shiny! :)
Ohhhh, I like it. It can double as a George Forman grill while camping. And it even has your age stamped on it. Saa-weeet.
word verifi; lowlesti
i think im speechless ;)
I smell a rat...
Now I know why Belle likes to sleep where she does. She's guarding her find. LOL!
Oh it is ugly.
Oh damn...it's looks worse than I thought it would! Night-Terrors....make it stop! make it stop!
You should put a little LCD TV in that thing...yeah...seriously!
It's so F'ugly I can't stop looking at it!
I'm running to San Diego in the morning...then heading back. It's a 800 round trip in one day....wanna' go!!!!!!
Ann: You think that’s bad? Wait ‘till you see the plan I have for the exhaust.
BTW- Anyone got a total crap set of Shovel pipes? Real cheap? I need something to cut and weld.
Wooley: A custom camping bike. There’s a marketing scheme in there somewhere. And duh! They put the 80 on there because it’s the IO of your average Harley rider.
mq01: I’ll just assume that you mean the beauty of it is beyond description.
Lady R: A cat that digs up Harley parts in the backyard? Sounds good to me.
Webster: Oh it’s going to get worse. Some really screwed up homemade parts are in the near future.
Dave: There is a LCD. Didn’t you see it?
You saying it looks like a train wreck?
I’ll call after work.
nice!! 800 mile trip?!..im jealy... have fun!
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