I noticed this morning that the rubber pad for my rear brake lever was gone. It was added to a mental list of things I’ll probably never fix. A hour later while returning from a trip to the store I see a old brake lever pad laying in the intersection at a red light. Ride out in the middle, get off the bike and pick it up. Yes, I know you shouldn’t stop in the intersection like that. Screw em’, I’ve got plenty of insurance. Funny thing about that pad, it looked like the perfect fit for the lever. Hell, it was probably mine, as it’s a route I travel all the time. Just more proof that if you need parts for a old bike don’t buy them. Keep your eyes on the ground, you’ll find them.
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
Now that is karma at its best. Hope it stays on this time.
i bet it was yours... and it wasnt, it sure is now.
oops, i meant and if it wasnt...
My fuzzy eyesight thought it said something else, I thought this was a post about Dave's ass..
This is the second time this has happened to you.
That last one nearly slapped me in the face.
Parts is parts and my ass don't stink BigD! Hell, ask anyone who has brown nosed me...they all tell me they like the way my ass smells.
AZHD: Nothing but the best Elmer’s glue for the old girl.
mq01: Funny thing is, the HD stuff is up-side down. Like it belongs on the other side of the bike. Maybe it weren’t mine.
Big D: I was talking about ‘rubber pads’. How’d Dave’s ass get on your brain?
Dave: How’d your 'ass' get in here?
That just "CRACKS" me up. About Daves ass that is.
Try some of that automotive trunk gasket seal stuff for that pad. That stuff sticks...like glue.
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