When news broke that the President had been assassinated on a trip abroad, the first act of the newly sworn in ex-Vice President was a promise of immediate reprisals against the terrorists responsible. The Country went into a deep state of mourning and cries for war filled every headline and newscast. Three days later it was learned that the Presidents own Party, for political reasons, had carried out the murder. The entire fabric of society was shredded within hours. All business and commerce ceased. It was now anarchy rule. The world was powerless to stop it.
In the weeks and months following the collapse of society the entire Country was thrown into total chaos. Neighborhoods banded together and barricaded the streets. Gangs of thieves roamed the cities and towns. It was now survival of the fittest and no one was exempt from the carnage. Two types of people were commonly shot on sight; any ex-politician, as they were seen as the cause of all problems that now engulfed the Country, and any known gang-banger. As one between the eyes was considered the best way to deal with dangerous animals.
“Maybe I’ll finish this story, maybe I won’t. Could be the beginning is the end. Or the end is the beginning. Could be I’m just crazy. Maybe I’m psychic and can see the future. Could be maybe I’m psychic and can see the past”. Just have a good time and don’t sweat the small stuff. It’ll all work out in the end. Gotta’ go now. I hear the black helicopters!
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
The truck, she is a rumbling toward the edge of the cliff, the brakes are fading, and the speed is increasing. Where the "F" is Rambo when you need him?
You can no longer be left alone with your own thoughts. I'll be right over so we can go on a ride. Considering your predictions thus far...I figure it's time for me to put some survival supplies aside...thanks, couldn't you have waited until I had enough clams to stock up you bastard!
Remember a few weeks ago when I said that we think alike?...
I think I'll retract that.
Been trying to wean myself from the thinking.The small working left overs of brain can get ate alive by dwelling on it....your right..or psycho..or was that ic...
my question is; who decides "who" is known as a gang-banger?
wow willyD... a dear friends son is currently on trial with gang charges mixed in, and he's as good of a kid as you can get. he even looks the good kid part.
pfffttt...im getting really pissy...the DA's and judges gotta fucking go... oh, is that the helicopters? ;)
AZHD: If you’re referring to my brain, you’re correct.
Dave: Yep. Just to see if the prediction sees the light of day.
Dean: You’ll notice that there was no names or places mentioned. This could be anyplace in the world. Preferably somewhere Communist.
rat: Your right. That stinking thinking will kill you. But it’s everywhere you look. That’s the world we live in today.
mq01: Who decides? Lets hope it never comes to that.
Sorry about your friends son. Hopefully only the facts will be on trial. Not allegations. They have no place in a court of law.
Some, not all, DA’s and judges don’t care what the crime was or what the law is. It’s all about advancing their careers.
I feel like I'm reading an episode from "The Twilight Zone". (do do do do do)
I really, really, really hope we can pull our glorious Government's Head out of our great America's ass.
(I'm being very optimistic, I know, but it keeps me from getting too depressed!)
Lady R: Ya know, maybe ratone is right. Maybe I need to stop thinking about this shit. But I’m just not ready to swallow the kool-aid the government is serving. As screwed up as everything is and as hard as times are, I just can’t figure out how so many people can be so damn oblivious.
And remember, most of that science fiction from the past is now scientific fact. That alone is enough to scare the crap out of me.
koolaid, jonestown, hey moonbeam and willie come here. didnt some idiot(s) say to leave the nice people alone and let them be? didnt someone award guardianship of all those kids to a predator? didnt someone get votes and money, and then try to move/seal records? i wonder who that was?
mq01: I’m no fan of Jerry. That guy has done, and continues to do more damage than you can count. If he gets into the office he’s seeking it might be time to get the hell out of here.
I tried to post on this subject over the weekend but blogger comment wouldn't work.
No Wooley, you were just being censored by ‘the man’.
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