Bell, California. Population – 38,000 (small town).
Per capita income - $24,800 in 2008.
Chief Admin. Officer - $787,637 w/12% annual raise.
Chief-O-Police - $457,000.
City Council - $100,000 to meet once a month.
Apparently the good folks of Bell were not aware of this until someone mentioned it at a City Council meeting four days ago. Yep, you guessed it, all hell broke loose. Since then several City Fathers of Bell have resigned. With their public pensions intact of course. California Attorney General, Jerry ‘Moonbeam” Brown says he will investigate the matter. Yea, ok Jerry. Any wonder why every state, city and town is broke? I’m sure this is just the tip of the iceberg and us, the taxpayers, are a bunch of fools for allowing it.
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
$8,333 per meeting for the Council members? I knew gas and taxes was higher in California, but that seems a bit over the top. The report I read said all but 1 of the Councilmen made that amount and I have to wonder if it was that lone, underpaid member who blew the whistle on the Gravey Train. You just can't seem to trust a newbe anymore I guess.
Oh the irony of it all. That would be perfect if it turns out that one of their own ratted them out. They should put a statue of him in front of City Hall. But being a politician, he may think that there’s something in it for him later if he squeals on his buddies now. So maybe the statue should be made of cheap cement. Or just a crayon drawing. I just don’t trust any of them anymore.
and thats just bell. i wont forget (while moonbeam was mayor btw, is there a theme here?!) news broke of how bad conditions were of the oakland schools; playgrounds, parks, bathrooms (on and off campus) were. non working bathrooms, exposed rusted plumbing, broken and dangerous playgrounds, unkept parks and grounds. YET, the schools admin and district peeps were all taking home $150K-$300K salaries with leased bmw's and cellphones included, and working in bldgs with working plumbing and heat, landscaping, and leather/brass tacked furniture.
yea sure moonbean, "investigate", right...
what i wanna see is the f'er and/or f'er's that allowed and took advantage of this shit to pay, all of 'em, all of it, PAY IT BACK! this shits been happening since the 80's at least.
cinco just learned he likes bouncing off the keyboard so he says hi and i'll end rant now. :)
You know why this happened? Blind trust and lack of motivation to question authority. We all want to just take care of our own little world trusting that everyone is just as honest and ethical as MOST of us are. Hell, most folks honestly don't have enough time to dedicate to keep the checks and balances up. Most of these assholes know that if they keep up busy with other stuff and in search of prosperity that we won't say much for fear of losing it.
We need to stick's the only way to keep this crap from happening. I don't mind paying someone a decent, if not a downright sweet salary, to handle government affairs because it is necessary. I would never want to do that job...but taking advantage of the position is unacceptable.
I hate allowing someone to come up on me to give me a hug, only to find that they are trying to stick their finger up my ass in the middle of the embrace....grrrrr!
What's unfortunate is that this is all available to the public and yet everyone keeps voting these guys in. Voters are smart... they know their public officials get a salary and are entitled to a pay raise... BUT they have to stay on it to not allow ridiculous pay raises and/or salaries to get out of hand... in particular when there are layoffs and job cuts everywhere in the State and County governments. We need to stay on top of it. Sorta like the exhaust pipe issues we are are having in California. We have to stay on top of it or we may be walked on all over. I hate to say this saying, but it does take a friggen village to make it happen.... and its sad to see it happen only when people get pissed off. Keep it under control during and after and this crap would never get as far as it has. Jerry has no choice, he better investigate... its an election year...
mq01: Sounds like you’re not going to vote for Jerry for Gov. Good!
Think Oakland was glad to see him go? Hell yes!
Cinco can type? Guest post while you’re at Sturgis?
Dave: You have to see these types daily. Knowing that they’re the ones imposing rules on you. All the time keeping a smile on your mug. I couldn’t do it.
KT: The only thing about ‘Jerry’ investigating this is that it ‘is’ a election year. Anything he does will be for political reasons, not because he feels a sense of duty to the public.
Yes, I believe you are right...but it is his job "now" as Attorney General. He's going to be scrutinized in any direction this takes anyway just because it is an election year, and he didn't have jack squat to do with it. Meg, the non-voter, is probably relishing in this one waiting to see how bad it all turns out. It all stinks all around. The attention still needs to be put on those officials taking that salary, and that City needs a change now... with or without Jerry's looking into it. The responsible parties need to give it up.
KT: Yep, it’s his job. I’ve just never seen Jerry do anything that Jerry didn’t get something out of. And Meg, well if I had her money I’d run myself. Not that I’d do a good job, but we all know that money talks, (bad for us). Wish we had a third option like ‘none of the above’. Leave the Office empty. It really hasn’t served a purpose in the last 20 years.
They called a special Council meeting in Bell for tonight. It’s bound to be a barnburner. Sure wish I could be there.
bell was all over the SF news tonight. seems theres quite a few pissed off residents...
I'm pissed off about it and I don't even live there.
mq01: Ya think! We should all run for city council!
Wooley: Coming soon to a town near you. I think folks will be looking at what their officials are making now. Big ole can of worms!
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