You want real border control? No, this isn’t PC, but it’ll work.
Build one of these every mile...
Build one of these every mile...

And put two of these in it.
Nothing comes across the border you don’t want coming across the border.

Like I said, it may not be PC, but a fence and asking nice doesn’t seem to be working.
Willy D for President!!!!
i second that
I would use mini-guns..hard to miss at 10,000 rounds a minute..LOL
Always kinda scares me how much we think alike.
AZHD: President? If nominated I will not run. If elected I will not serve. Now, if you change the title to King I might be interested.
mq01: Want to be Vice Prez?
rat: Mini-guns ain’t got the range. Unless we mount them on helicopters. Then we can have some fun.
Dean: What’s scary about wanting our government to enforce the laws ‘they’ enacted?
I often cry at the sign of common sense and genius.
Hell, I better get good at building guard towers....this is gonna' be a gold mine.
I'm laughing my ass off...but then again...uhhhh...hmmmmm....
Dave: Don’t laugh too much. That kind of shit might not be that far off.
How about shoot first then ask questions. If we're going to be not nice then let's just get it out there so they will understand. Hell Mexico shoots illegal immigrants all the time. No mis-understanding there. Time out isn't working but time under most certainly will.
Wooley: Absolutely! You can hide a lot of ‘things’ in the desert.
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