The other day I was bored sh*tless. I looked at my old Ironhead. What don't I like about it? The foot controls suck, seat sucks, tank's to small, handle bars to far forward, to damm slow, etc... Started looking through boxes. Where did all this stuff come from? It's like a frigging swap meet in my garage. Lets see what will fit this thing. A whole bunch actually. So here's how to spend a nice boring day, second only to going on a ride, which this E1984 XLH does a whole lot better now.
Allison's Journey thru Breast Cancer
3 months ago
That's a seriously cool scoot! It made my heart skip a beat!
Gotta love the '84 Ironhead! That's what I have! :) But mine looks a little different. I'll post pics later today.
Dr. Wrench,
Do you think that billet will hold up to the vibration from that nice old iron head Sporty? Nice way to spend a day in the garage. Funny how when you do it for yourself it’s not work huh?
Nice video. I thought I was a freak. I graciously bestow my freak medal to you.
Nice bike! And here I thought I had too much time on my hands.
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